Coolermaster did have a few cases on display.

Including the now de rigor media centre style case.

Outwardly the cases look nice but uninspired.

CoolerMaster were quite excited to show us their Stacker RC-830 case. Described as the "most powerful use ever". I'm not sure what it means but I sure made me smile. It can apparently take just about every "X" type mainboard in existence. E-ATX, ATX, M-ATX, BTX, M-BTX and PICO-ATX. It certainly has the X-factor!

It's an all(ish) aluminium construction with a 120mm intake fan and 2 x 120 exhaust fans with plenty of provision for more.

This brick is a 4-in-3 device module. It can hold 3 x 3.5" drives and contains a 120 mm cooling fan which runs a 1200rpm to keep things both cool and quiet. If can fit in the RC-830 case.

Here is the RC-830 with it's ventilated side panel in place. You can also see mrhaz explaining his theory of sandwich making to a bemused onlooker.
Time for some small stuff...
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